Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 18 - Memorable Gifts

This weeks prompt was First Gift or Present. I have no idea what my first present was. So I'm going to talk about memorable gifts from my childhood.

When I was young, money was tight and Santa only brought one toy for each of my siblings and I. One of the first Christmas gifts that I remember receiving was a doll buggy. Later that same day, someone fell on the doll buggy and the frame collapsed and that was the end of my doll buggy. My mom felt bad about it but there was nothing else to be had.

One Christmas when I was still young, my Aunt Edie made everyone had made pillows.  My pillow was a humpty dumpty pillow. It didn't take long before it became by crying pillow. A few years ago, I was telling my Aunt Edie just how much I had loved that pillow. She laughed and told the following story.

The pillows were a bigger project than she imagined they were. She was running behind, so she was working on them like crazy and there was material and stuffing everywhere. Without warning her ahead of time, Uncle Tom brought some people home for dinner and the house was just a mess.  They made the best of it and after they left, Aunt Edie promised that she would never let the house get into such a state again. Uncle Tom turned to her with a smile on his face and jokingly said "Well you'd better not".


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