Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 22 - Daily Routines?

Do I have a daily routine? Well I guess everyone has some kind of routine. I probably had more of one when I worked. Get up when the alarm rang, shower, blow dry my hair, wash my teeth, test my blood sugar, pack my breakfast/lunch, drive to work. Work. Drive home. Make Dinner. Wash the dishes. Play. Go to Bed.

After I retired in January 2012, I suddenly realized my lack of a routine was causing me to forget hygiene and health activities. As a type II diabetic, I try to take a fasting blood glucose test every morning.
So I made it a habit to brush my hair, wash my face & teeth, test my blood sugar before I sit down at the computer.

I am a night owl, I will stay up and watch TV until the early hours of the morning. When Burt was still alive, he would come in and wake me if I slept past 8 am. Now that Burt is gone, I have started setting the alarm clock to ensure I don't sleep past 8 am.

My dog Foxy helps keep me in a routine. I used to walk her once a day in the afternoon. During the summer when it gets so hot, I started walking her after dark. When I retired, I began walking her in the morning instead. About 4 months ago, I added a second walk in the afternoon. And believe me, we seldom miss a walk. If Foxy thinks it's time and I'm still sitting at the computer she lays down right next to my chair so I will trip over her if I try to move. And lately she's been doing that about dinner time. Guess she's not sure I'll remember to feed her since Burt and I are not sitting down to dinner every night any more.

I'm also have to learn other routines, make sure the doors are locked, shut the garage door when I'm walking the dog, take my cell phone with me, make sure it's charged. I guess I never realized how much my life and routine revolved around Burt and Foxy.

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